Samstag, 28. Februar 2015

Nichtabrahamitische Topreligioten Teil I

Mali, Nigeria, Libyen, Ägypten, Gaza, Israel, Libanon, Irak, Syrien; man kann einen weiten Bogen von Ostafrika bis nach Assyrien schlagen, wenn man die Schauplätze religiöser Gewalt aufzeichnet. Anders als Herr Kauder es uns weismachen will, ist der weitüberwiegende Teil der Toten muslimisch.

Aus dem europäischen Blickwinkel verschwindet dabei gern das Gewaltpotential der anderen Religionen. Auch Hindus, Buddhisten und Sikhs sind eifrig damit beschäftigt sich gegenseitig zu massakrieren und den eigenen Anhängern das Leben so schwer wie möglich zu machen.

In Nordindien gibt es beispielsweise die Dera Sacha Sauda (DSS), eine spirituelle Glaubensgemeinschaft, die erst 1948 von Mastana Balochistani (Shah Mastana, 1891-1960) gegründet wurde.

Die DSS scheinen mir mit den Sikhs verwandt zu sein. Sikhs leben bekanntlich in der Gegenwart, glauben daß alle Handlungen Konsequenzen für die Wiedergeburt haben. Wiedergeboren werden alle Wesen mit einer Seele – also auch Ameisen, Schlangen und Elefanten. Den Kreislauf der Wiedergeburten erledigt Gott, der  aber auch als „Mutter“ und viel weniger personalisiert als beim Christentum empfunden wird.
 Natürlich ist auch der Sikh-Gott ein ganz Lieber. Er ist bedingungslos liebend, unendlich, unfassbar, feindlos, namenlos und geschlechtslos.

Shah Mastana fungierte von 1948 bis 1960 als Guru und Meditationslehrer im nordindischen Bundesstaat Haryana.
Er gründete Dutzende Aschrams, in denen er vegetarische Ernährung, Keuschheit und Verzicht auf Alkohol und Drogen predigte.

Words of Mastana Ji Maharaj (Spiritual Guru – Shah)
A perfect Spiritual saint is one with God.
He incarnates in human form by the order of the Almighty.
Having performed his assigned duties, he passes on the responsibility to his successor and returns back to his original eternal place, ie. The Anami Desh (the home of the Lord).
And finally…
After performing his assigned duties, Shah Mastana Ji Maharaj handed over his reign to successor Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj on February 28, 1960. And he himself left for his eternal Holy abode on April 18, 1960.

Sehr oft wechseln die spirituellen Führer der DSS nicht, da sie anders als Ratzi und Franzl schon jung Chef werden können.

Param Pita Shah Satnam Singh Ji Maharaj was the second spiritual guru of Dera Sacha Sauda, born on 25 January 1919. He took over the spiritual leadership position from Mastana Ji Maharaj at the age of 41 and served mankind for thirty years (1960-1990). He composed hymns and wrote several holy books. He passed away, or as the Dera says, proceeded back to Nij-Dham (eternal abode) on 13 December 1991.
Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan became the third leader of DSS on 23 September 1990, at the young age of 23 years.

Die Ziele der DSS unter dem gegenwärtigen Führer Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, 47, klingen eigentlich ganz nett und wenig aggressiv.
Seine Heiligkeit war schließlich schon immer in jeder Hinsicht großartig.
Selbstverständlich kann er auch Filmstar.

His Excellency Guruji had completed the high-school education from one and only school running in the hamlet area. His Holiness was the most superior student of the school. HE had always remained the topper and monitor of class. HE had spear headed all the playing teams. His Holiness was a peerless sport person of myriad of games like wrestling, Volleyball, Badminton, and Cricket, besides Lawn Tennis. Cricket was HIS most favorite game and HE was captain of cricket team. Under His hallowed helmsmanship, cricket had been played with replete confidence and had achieved success in every competition. During that time, that educational institute was unprecedented one in each and every field like education, games, cultural programs, and other activities, in the whole province.
His Holiness had a zeal, dedication, and passion for every kind of act. At the tender age of seven-eight, His Holiness was adroit and dexterous in driving the tractor for agricultural purposes in fields and ranches. His Holiness would repose after finishing the work HE had started. The same zealousness still oozes out from this divine personality even today. Since HE had reined over the Dera, continual welfare activities have been effectuating. Under His Holy helmsmanship, various enlarge projects which were to be consummated in years, got fully fledged in weeks or even in days.

Supermann ist ein Lump gegen den DSS-Oberguru!
Die Auflistung all seiner außerordentlichen Talente und Fähigkeiten nimmt kein Ende.

It sounds rather unbelievable but reality dawns only when one listens to Saint Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh Ji Insan with an open mind. Also when one sees how many fields of human endeavour Guruji has mastered, it becomes clear that the meditation HE teaches is an extremely powerful tool to achieve self confidence. People find it difficult to excel in one chosen vocation. But Guruji has mastered every sphere of positive human Pita ji prefect photographer activity with an unbelievable ease and panache. These gifts are not ordinary. Ranging from Music to Engineering, from Sports to Agriculture, from Spiritualism to Science; Getting to know Guruji is a wonderful vista of discovery. The one common underlying message is that if we raise our inner consciousness through true meditation then excellence is just a small step away. The inner reservoir of self confidence needs to be tapped which is possible only through true meditation.
Apart from being the Spiritual Preceptor of Dera Sacha Sauda who teaches free meditation, Guruji has exhibited an unbelievable range of versatile roles and raised them to exalted heights of perfection.
Besides awakening the souls and leading them to achieve the impossible; His Holiness is an author, inventor, scientist, an athlete, writer, multi-lingual orator, scholar, musician, theologian, physician, philosopher, philanthropist, peace activist and the ultimate humanitarian, only to mention a few of HIS endless gifts; In addition to the selfless devotion of HIS life dedicated to bringing joy to others.

Der wundertätige Guruji ist so phantastisch, daß eigentlich in absehbarer Zeit die ganze Welt zu seiner Anhängerschaft zählen müßte.
Bisher gibt es allerdings weltweit „nur“ 40 – 50 Millionen Menschen die Guruji als ihrem Guru uneingeschränkt folgen.

Möglicherweise kommt es nicht so richtig gut an, daß Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh seinen männlichen Anhängern empfiehlt sich selbst die Hoden abzuschneiden, um Gott näher zu kommen.
Ich will ja als Atheist nicht kleinlich erscheinen, aber ich kann mir durchaus vorstellen, daß es selbst religiösen Menschen irgendwie schwer fällt sich selbst zu kastrieren.
Immerhin 400 Männer gehorchten bisher aber dieser Aufforderung.
Brave Gläubige!

Known as “the guru in bling” and worth an estimated 40 million USD, Singh reportedly urged his followers that having their testicles removed would allow them to meet God and speak with Him directly.
Witnesses of the castrations say they were conducted at a hospital owned by Singh’s spiritual organization.
Several witnesses have agreed to testify in court, possibly putting an end to Singh’s history of avoiding conviction.
He was charged with conspiracy involving the murder of an investigative journalist in 2002, and several female followers claim he sexually abused them. […]
A source told Indian media,
    CBI sleuths met some old Dera followers and were, thus, successful in tracing some others who were castrated in the name of God. Some of the castrated followers, who agreed to record their statements before the judicial magistrate, have left for Delhi where the case has been registered.
The publicizing of the castrations has already tarnished Singh’s reputation, at least for movie-goers.
Ticket sales for his latest film, “MSG: The Messenger,” are supposedly so low that Singh is reportedly buying them in bulk to maintain profits.

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hätten mal die Christen und Moslems schon in der dritten Generation mit dem Sackabschneiden begonnen...

    Da kann man sehr gut daran sehen, dass auch die friedlichste Religion direkt ins Verderben führt. Der jeweils "neue Anführer" hat das große Problem, dass seine Vorgänger wichtiger waren als er. Das können die meisten Menschen nicht kompensieren. Jeder muss seinen Teil zur Lehre beitragen. Da wird über kurz oder lang auch der gütigste Gott zum finstersten Arschloch. Ein Grund mehr, sich von jeder Sekte fernzuhalten.


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