Das Bistum Joliet
im Nordosten von Illinois ist neben Belleville, Peoria, Rockford und
Springfield eins von fünf Suffraganbistümern des Erzbistums Chicago.
Altbischof Joseph Leopold Imesch (*1931 †2015) führte seine
600.000 Katholiken und mehrere hundert Geistlichen in 120 Pfarreien von 1979 bis
2005 an.
In über einem Vierteljahrhundert unter seiner Leitung gab es
zwar eine Menge Kinderficker unter seinen Priestern, aber Imesch sah in ihnen
ausgezeichnete Hirten, die lediglich ab und zu ein bißchen unter mangelndem
Urteilsvermögen litten, wenn sie kleine Jungs vergewaltigten.
[….] Bishop
Imesch [….] defended accused clerics,
saying they were good priests who exercised poor judgment and were victims of
smear campaigns and reckless media coverage. [….] Bishop Imesch had a long history
of covering up pedophilia, transferring at least four accused priests inside
his diocese without alerting parishioners. And he brought in a convicted child
molester, the Rev. Gary Berthiaume, who had served as an associate pastor under
him at a Detroit church years earlier. [….] Early in 2002, he said that some people are not traumatized by sexual
abuse and that some priests who molest adolescents should be allowed back into
ministry after therapy. [….]
Priesterpenisse in Messdiener zu stecken kann ja mal vorkommen.
Nichts, das die Kinder ernsthaft schädige, befand der Kirchenfürst und falls
sich jemand darüber beschwert, kann man den Priester ja immer noch in eine
andere Pfarrei zu neuen Kinder schicken.
Nach zwei Dekaden als Bischof war Imesch immer noch
überrascht wenn sich von seinen Pfaffen missbrauchte Jungs später beklagten.
[…..] Three
priest case Two brothers, John and Jeff Welch sued the Diocese of Joliet
Chancery , claiming three priests, John C. Slown, Arno Dennerlein and Richard
Ruffalo abused them 1962-68 while they attended St. John the Baptist Church in
Winfield. DuPage Circuit Judge John T. Elsner ruled a new state law extending
the time limit for lawsuits in cases of sexual abuse of children cannot be
applied retroactively to revive the brothers’ allegations.
Two priest case Two
brothers sue the Diocese of Joliet, claiming sexual abuse by two different
priests. The lawsuits filed in Will County Circuit Court brought to 15 the
number of suits pending against the diocese in Will and DuPage counties, May
2006. […..]
Keine große Sache. Bisher sind ja auch bloß 42 Priester des
kleinen Bistums angeklagt worden Kinder vergewaltigt zu haben.
Einige der Gottesmänner gingen dabei so fromm vor, daß es
Gott vermutlich eine Freude war zuzusehen.
Damit komme ich zum Christen des Tages Nr. 88:
Pfarrer Frederick
Lenczycki, 74, kam 1963 in das Priesterseminar des Bistums, wurde 1972 ordiniert
und erklärte von Beginn an, er wolle mit Kindern arbeiten, er sei an “adolescent psychology” interessiert.
Er interpretierte diesen Aufgabenbereich offenbar auf sehr
spezielle Weise, wurde 1980 erstmals wegen „unknown difficulties” vom Bischof
nach St. Isaac Jogues versetzt. 1984 beschuldigte ihn ein 12-Jähriger der
Vergewaltigung. Die Staatsanwalt ermittelte und fand dreizehn weitere von Lenczycki
missbrauchte Kinder.
Bischof Imesch
bat ihn daraufhin “to spend some time away from the diocese”
but that by “June of 1987” Lenczycki could return.
Die drei Jahre verbrachte er kinderfickend in San Francisco
und wurde warmherzig wieder in Jolie aufgenommen, wo er erneut Dutzende Kinder vergewaltigte.
[….] Bishop
Imesch helped find Lenczycki an assignment within the Archdiocese of San
Francisco and recommended him saing he was “an excellent priest” who “will do a
fine job.” During his tenure in the
Archdiocese of San Francisco, Lenczycki abused at least three children in the
late 1980s and early 1990s.
In 1992, Lenczycki
applied for faculties within the Archdiocese of St. Louis and Bishop Imesch
stated “I have no reason why he should not be permitted to perform priestly
ministry in the Archdiocese of St. Louis.”
During the 1990s and early 2000s numerous victims came forward,
including a two former seminarians who were abused by Lenczycki at St. Charles
Borromeo in 1979 one under the guise of “psychological research” and another during
spiritual direction, as well as a victim who was taken to Lenczycki for
“counseling” when he was approximately 10 years old. In November 2002, the DuPage County State’s
Attorney filed charges against Lenczycki for the 1984 sexual abuse. Lenczycki pled guilty in 2004 and was
sentenced to five years in prison. Just
before his release in 2006, it was decided that he was too sexually dangerous
to release and he served another three years. He was released on parole in 2009
and is a registered sex offender. Over
his 25-year career as a priest, it is estimated that he sexually abused at
least 24 boys in three separate states. […..]
Lenczyckis Taten sind wohldokumentiert. Orginalbriefe,
Ermittlungsergebnisse, bischöfliche Schreiben aus drei Jahrzehnten kann man frei einsehen.
Mit Unterstützung seines Bischofs konnte der katholische
Priester nach Herzenslust Kinder quälen.
[….] Abishop’s
fatal decisions: Imesch sent Fr. Lenczycki out of state in 1985 to avoid
criminal charges in the abuse of 14 boys, then Bishop didn’t disclose Lenczycki’s
past to new assignments and personally covered-up firsthand knowledge of abuse Cleric
molested at least 25 boys in three states, convicted in 2004 The story of
Father Frederick Lenczycki is the perfect example of how Bishop Imesch’s
criminal cover-up of sexual abuse allowed a predator cleric to destroy dozens
of children across three states.Fr. Lenczycki admitted to abusing boys as early
as 1984, even providing the names of victims to church officials. Instead of
calling the police, Bishop Imesch sent Lenczycki to Missouri and then to
California to avoid criminal prosecution. In both states, Lenczycki quietly
underwent treatment and worked in local parishes. All the while, he continued
to sexually abuse children. In addit ion, Imesch didn’t disclose Lenczycki’s
past crimes to officials at his later assignments in Missouri, where he
continued to abuse minors. By 2002, Imesch could no longer keep a lid on the
allegations against Lenczycki and was forced to bring him back to Illinois to
face charges. In 2004, Lenczycki pled guilty to abusing 3 boys. When his
sentence ended in 2006, the cleric was remanded back to prison as a sexually
violent predator. Lenczycki was released in 2009 and is a registered sex
offender in Illinois. He
currently lives in Berkeley, Illinois.[….]
Wieso sieht Jesus tatenlos zu, wenn seine Gottesmänner so
Womöglich schätzt der Gottessohn ja die speziellen sexuellen
Gewohnheiten des triebhaften Gottesmannes.
Lenczycki schätzte es nämlich seine Opfer wie das Jesuskind
selbst zu verkleiden, bevor er sich an ihnen verging. Er versuchte also
gewissermaßen Jesus selbst zu begatten. In der perversen Phantasie des Katholizismus,
in der Gott seine eigene Mutter schwängert und Nonnen sich allesamt als
Ehefrauen dieses Gottes verstehen, fühlte sich Lenczycki so seinem Schöpfer
[….] A
pedophile Catholic priest made young boys dress up as the Baby Jesus in
swaddling clothes then sexually abused them. Frederick Lenczycki, 74, admitted
two counts of sodomy Thursday, after a court in St Louis, Missouri, was told
how he molested two boys between 1991 and 1994. [….] One of the victims had his genitals repeatedly grabbed by Lenczycki,
while the pervert clergyman kept trying to rip the second one’s clothes off.
They were attacked while he was chaplain of St Louis’s DePaul Health Center. [….]
Lenczyski admitted his crimes in St Louis
County Circuit Court Thursday [….] Those
youngsters told how the priest, who they knew as Father Fred, would swaddle
them in cloths like the Baby Jesus was after being born. He did so under the
guise of organizing religious pageants, which never took place, and which were
used as a front for the abuse. [….] Lenczyski admitted that sex abuse in 2004 and
was jailed for five years. Randy Kanaday, who is one of the two victims
Lenczyski admitted attacking at Thursday’s court hearing, said the pervert’s
guilty plea would help put his ordeal behind him. [….] Church and court files seen by
the paper say Lenczyki admitted abusing up to 30 boys across Illinois, Missouri
and California over the course of 25 years. [….]
Immer wenn man denkt, keine Gräueltat eines katholischen
Priesters könne einen noch überraschen…
Dann kommt eine Sexsoutane daher, die bizarren Fetisch-Jesus-Baby-Sex-Rollenspielen
frönt und von dem Bischof als „guter Mann mit möglicherweise schlechtem
Urteilsvermögen“ gelobt wird.