Montag, 27. Februar 2012

Der Christ des Tages Teil LVII

 Vater Marcel Guarnizo von der St. John Neumann-Kirche in Gaithersburg (Maryland) ist schon weit rumgekommen.

Geboren in Kolumbien, verschlug es den Katholiken als Kind nach Washington, DC, wo er in den berüchtigten Vororten aufwuchs, das Priesterseminar besuchte und geweiht wurde.
Schon bald fühlte er sich berufen den durch Gorbatschows Glasnost plötzlich geöffneten Warschauer Pakt zu rechristianisieren.

Guarnizo: In 1993, I went to Russia. The Berlin Wall, of course, had fallen four years earlier. The Soviet Union had only been officially dissolved two years earlier, on Dec. 25, 1991. I experienced a strong call to help rebuild the Church in the post-communist world.    I began with another organization, Aid to the Church in Russia, which dedicated itself to rebuilding churches in Russia that had been desecrated during the regime. We were able to rebuild quite a few Catholic churches in Russia. But after about 10 years, I began to realize that rebuilding churches was not going to be enough.   What was needed was a movement to create a new intellectual culture in the post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe.(Interview mit Kirsten Evans, 24.12.2009)

Allerdings wartete nicht nur das moralisch verkommene Osteuropa auf den US-Kolumbianer, sondern auch Westeuropa war dabei vom Glauben abzufallen.

(Guranizo, links, mit Fans)

Guarnizo: And it is something needed not only in central and eastern Europe, but also in the west -- the moral courage to lead and to defend the culture of the west. I think the West is committing intellectual and cultural suicide at present. We are terribly afraid of recognizing the importance of preserving our own Western civilization, of acknowledging our Christian roots, which is a undeniable fact of history.(Interview mit Kirsten Evans, 24.12.2009)

Da das ethisch verlorene Westeuropa mit Gottes Herold Joseph R. einen starken Fürsprecher bekam, konnte Vater Marcel Guarnizo, der Mann, der ganz allein Russland katholisiert hatte, guten Gewissen zurück nach Amerika gehen.

Guarnizo hat zwei Leidenschaften, einerseits die Matrix-Triologie und andererseits das Verdammen und Schwangerschaftsunterbrechungen.

Diese Vorlieben kann er sehr schön kombinieren, indem er den Look von Keanu Reeves‘ „Neo“ übernimmt, dann aber statt gegen Maschinen gegen „pro choice“-Gesetze kämpft.

Ganz im Sinne Kreuznets und Mixas, nennt er Ärzte, die Abtreibungen durchführen ausdrücklich in einem Atemzug mit Klaus Barbie und Joseph Mengele.

LeRoy Carhart, the Nebraskan physician who has performed late-term abortions at Germantown Reproductive Health Services since December 2010 ist für Guarnizo nur der “Schlachter von Germantown.”

Der Christ des Tages Nr 57 ist nicht zimperlich.
"This is not a legitimate business and we are asking the community to come out here. We need to shut this guy down,” said the Rev. Marcel Guarnizo, the parochial vicar at St. John Neumann Catholic Church in Gaithersburg.
Guarnizo said his group was protesting an injustice. He said women had alternatives.

Wenn Father KZ-Vergleich nicht gerade indirekt zum Mord aufruft, hat er auch noch seine “normalen” priesterlichen Pflichten, wie beispielsweise Beerdigungen.

Ann Werner beschreibt als Augenzeugin auf „“ wie mitfühlend der Priester mit den trauernden Angehörigen umgeht.

My friend Barbara, the daughter of the deceased woman, was denied communion at her mother’s funeral. She was the first in line and Fr. Guarnizo covered the bowl containing the host and said to her,  “I cannot give you communion because you live with a woman and that is a sin according to the church.”
To add insult to injury, Fr. Guarnizo left the altar when she delivered her eulogy to her mother.
When the funeral was finished he informed the funeral director that he could not go to the gravesite to deliver the final blessing because he was sick. 
 I will tell you a little about the woman who drove that priest from the altar. She is kind, she is smart, she is funny and she works hard promoting the arts. She pays her bills, she cares deeply for her family and she loved her mother and her mother loved her right back. And now she will never set foot in a Catholic church again and who can blame her?

The loving christians…..

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